Selling a house is difficult and like anything else you do in life, the more time and effort you put into it, the more benefit you will gain. Listed below are some of the things you might consider doing in order to get the best price for your house. How to sell a House:

1) Decide whether you are going to try to sell it yourself or use a real estate agent. You might save the commission if you sell it yourself but a real estate agent may get your house sold quicker and easier.

2) So some market research to determine what ballpark figure you are going to ask for your house.

3) Get the house ready to be sold by fixing everything that needs to be repaired on both the inside and outside of the house. You can choose to repair nothing and sell the house "as is" but be prepared to get less for it.

4) Make sure you have the grass cut and watered and all the aesthetic things done up nicely so that the house looks apealing and ready to be sold. This includes fixing the visible picture holes in the walls and things like that.

5) Establish a final asking price. Some people view house sales as garage sales and always offer slightly less than the asking price. So, if you really want $400,000 for your house you might ask for $410,000 or $420,000.

6) Hold an open house. This is something that a real estate agent will automatically do and one of the advantages of having one.

7) If the house doesn't sell right away, make sure that the house is maintained and looks good all the way through.

8) You might need to lower the price if your house has trouble selling. This will of course depend on your financial position and how motivated you are to get the original asking price. If you are wondering how to sell a house in down markets like we have now, the only sure fire way to succeed is to lower the price enough where it becomes an attractive value.